See back in the good ol' days, ADC's were a lot lets reliant on abilities or passives for damage.

However, she does miss one thing that most ADC's have nowadays: an attack damage steroid - meaning a passive or active ability that amplifies DPS (think Ricochet, Silver Bolts, etc.).

So Ahri has range and, provided you can position properly, that qualifies her to fulfill the primary fuction of an ADC as dicussed above. However, I want to have that crystal clear on everyones mind when we discuss the Ahri ADC mindset. Now, I did say this was aimed at ADC mains so you might wonder why I went so deep into the existential merit of an ADC.since you'd assume most ADC main know this already. And honestly that is all you need at a minimum to function as an ADC: range and skill. Good positioning is another one, you won't be able to keep yourself alive and in range just by the virtue of having range. Range first of all, since you can't do sustained damage when everyone is in your face (ask Tryndamere what that's like). Question two: what do you need to do that. You don't blow people up like an assassin or chunk away portions of HP every now and then like a mage, you just pour out a stream of continues damage. That is to say, throughout a fight you chip away the enemies heatlh at a steady rate. When you boil it down to basics, the ADC provides sustained auto-attack based medium-high physical damage. Give that a read and you should be good to go.įirst question: what does an ADC do? No, the answer is not an ADC AD Carries (although that is what we'd like to achieve). If you just want to know the build and start playing (or, you know, if you got autofilled and panic picked), scroll back up. So what are we gonna talk about? We'll have a short discussion about the mindset behind this build (and whether you should hear me out or not) and then we'll go through some Ahri specific gameplay. That's nice, but.what if we made her an ADC? Let's find out. So, in season 8 we've seen some Ahri bot play, in the APC role.

For that reason, I'm going to assume that, as a AD Carry, you know the basics of cs'ing, trading, etc. Let me preface this by saying this guide is primarily intended for ADC mains that want to have some fun. This one is special since I got bored with writing off-meta support guides and decided to do one on a marksman instead.
Welcome to the fifth, and special, installment of "quick and dirty off meta supports" (check out the rest of the series here).